What is M-Pact Baseball?
What makes playing for M-Pact different? We strive to create something unique and a memorable experience for you and your player. Here is a quick video to explain what M-Pact is about and why we are "weird"!
Image Caption: Please take 6 minutes out of your day to learn a little about what this community is all about.
2024 Player Development Package
We have been providing a training plan for our coaches since 2021. We took a long look over the off-season at our entire library and discovered we had the foundation of a true development plan for all our ages.
Our drills have been used by T-Ballers all the way up to college players. We went through every drill and compiled "The Absolutes" for all tools needed for baseball and then layered that by skill level. Players then can work themselves through each level and over time get more polished and have the foundation to move to the next step in baseball.
Image Caption: Just a small sample of the different layers of training we have to provide our players.
We see several teams take a randomized approach to teaching with drills they did as kids or something they seen online. We have spent years understanding what drills work, learning from some of the best coaches in the country, then compiling that into a progression to truly help they players learn.
Image Caption: Here's a sample of an advanced Catcher's Drill we created two seasons ago.
"Bombers" Hitting Camp
We are excited to bring a hitting camp to M-Pact! We partnered with a former MLB player and hitting instructor to create a camp style setting to help your player learn some concepts that are difficult to teach in a team practice. All kids want to hit homeruns but understanding HOW to hit goes untrained. Teaching the full package of hitting is what this camp is about! Hitting approach, best practice mechanics, learning to compete, and how to handle the mental challenge of stepping into the box is what your player will take away. We broke the camp down into specific age groups too so players are learning in their level but also, we have seen a huge impact when kids push one another. Don't miss this camp!!! All M-Pact Players get in for $40, way cheaper than a session with a hitting instructor!

Image Caption: This will be an event you don't want to miss. All proceeds from the camp go back into the M-Pact Program. We will be using hitting tools like Blast Motion and Pocket Radar to show players their full swing metrics!
Final Thoughts
Power of Words!
I heard of a practice some do each new year called the "One Word Challenge". Chose a word that you think will help give you a direction for the upcoming year. I did this unofficially last year and learned so much from it. So this year, I challenged myself and even my entire family to do the same. It is amazing how the word you choose starts to pop up in your life. Over and over, good and bad.
It reminds us how powerful our words are. What we put out into the world will come back to us sometimes! We are all human and imperfect. Only one perfect person has roamed this earth and he set the perfect example of how we should walk in our lives. I hope as we walk together through our baseball season we grow from one another and build each other up! That's a true community!
Ephesians 4:29 ESV
Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.