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M-Pact Newsletter || September 1st, 2023

Writer's picture: M-Pact BaseballM-Pact Baseball

Field Improvements!

We are working through improving our fields so please be patient with us as we work to make our place even better. We spent last Saturday doing dirt work to get our fields smoother and get the dirt in better shape. We have many other things going like, water, lights, bleachers are on the way, and even a walking trail around the property.

Image Caption: Thankful for all those who came out to help at the M-Pact fields


Trust the Process?

There are so many cliché sayings in the world of sports. “Give 110%”, “It’s gut check time”, the list could go on and on.

One that started a few years ago was, “Trusting the Process”. It sounds great and we have used that over and over with our own players.

But what does that really mean? What is “The Process”?

As a coach, (I call myself more of a teacher than a coach) it has taken me several years to realize the process is different for every single player. If there was a “system” that created all-star players every time, everyone would be using that process, but it just doesn’t work that way.

Image Caption: 2026 Player Bryson Taylor working through the process of adversity on the field. Learning through our tough moments.

One thing we discovered with the older players is the ones that learned how to deal with failure were falling in love with the “process” of improvement. Knowing that a strikeout wasn’t the end of the world or dropping a fly ball doesn’t mean it’s the end of your career. They learned from their mistakes and figured out how to find victories in their improvements! No matter how big or small. Even when they win a trophy, there is a kid somewhere on the roster that didn’t do something as well as expected. The Process becomes, identifying it, working on the improvement, and reflection on that improvement.

Grattititude! Yes, it’s spelled wrong! Having an attitude of gratitude!

A quick Google search will show you over 100 verses in the Bible about trials and difficulties you will have to endure to follow Jesus.

Romans 5:3

Not only that, but we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance,

James 1:12

Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him.

These are two of my favorites and when times are getting tough, I almost always go to these two verses.

We love using baseball as a tool to teach about life. It is so symbolic of how our lives will go. You try as hard as you can, you think you have done everything right, and you still get out! Or an ump makes a bad call!

God can use tough moments to shape us make us the best versions of ourselves to further his kingdom!

So Trust God’s Process for you.

Romans 8:28

And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.

All of our paths are different but they led us here together as a community. We are here to help one another as parents, players, teams, and a family navigate these times and processes together.


Band of Brothers Day

Many ask why we wear the army green jerseys in the fall. We held a "Band of Brothers" day at the field a few weeks ago to communicate to our players what it means. We wanted playing for M-Pact to mean more than just sharing a practice facility. We wanted all of our players, no matter the age to understand they are part of something bigger. Being a "Band of Brothers" means we are all teammates and leaving a legacy behind for the next generation.

Image Caption: Some of our brothers learning the meaning of the Green jerseys!

One aspect of our program was leave it better than you found it. The day featured a talk from 2027 Player Rhett Rogers who has played for M-pact for 3 years now. We strive to teach your player lessons that help them beyond this game and set them up to make an impact on their HS dugouts when they arrive.

When we gear up in our greens, you know there are many other brothers who have your back and are fighting the battles with you.


Player Development Time

Hitting with a purpose

We want to provide options to you as a parent of our players to help with drills you can do at home with your player. Currently, we are seeing many kids over swinging in the box and pulling off the ball. We developed this drill to help them focus on the ball. You need an old baseball with 1,2,3 marked on it. Put it on a tee and help your player keep their head down and focused on the number.


Final Thoughts

"Breathe. You haven’t met all of you yet. There is so much more life left to live."

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